Max (1975) France, cannactivist, radio show host and producer.
I was born in Berry, in the center of France. I have been living in the Paris region since 1996. I am a school teacher in Seine-Saint-Denis. I have been a recreational and therapeutic user (severe chronic migraines) of cannabis since I was 19. I self-produced my weed for a long time until the police got involved.
To finally get into cannabis activism, I joined the Collective for Information and Research on Cannabis (CIRC) Paris in early 2002. My participation in various basic tasks began: regular participation in meetings, making banners and signs for demonstrations, towing, stand keeping, contact with other associations … I participated in many festive and cultural events to hold CIRC stands: hemp fairs, Solidays, Noir Désir concerts and others, teknivals… I participated in the organization of the Paris Appel du 18 Joint for many years while holding our booth annually.
In addition, I joined the team of Y’a de la fumée dans le poste, the program of the CIRC Paris on Radio Libertaire (89.4FM) around 2004. With many comings and goings in the team, I become the main, and sometimes the only, animator-producer. I’ve held this position ever since, on a two-hour broadcast usually live, every other Sunday from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. So, I produced hours and hours of cannabis radio, on the theme of « the news of drugs in general and cannabis in particular » and this, « without taboos or moralism », sometimes with prestigious guests: Jean- Pierre Galland (very often), Bernard Rappaz, Barry Melton, Lofofora, Jonah Raskin… and many associative activists (CSF, ASUD, Techno Plus, Principles Actifs, Psychoactifs…).
In my personal life, beyond having always assumed my pronounced taste for cannabis, including in front of the cops and judges, I contributed a few months to the Chanvre et Compagnie adventure, an activist cannabis shop in Montreuil (association PAKA) as a salesperson-cashier. I am also a libertarian and environmental activist, sectors where cannabis also finds its place. I have also written several articles on drug policy published by Le Monde Libertaire (magazine of the Anarchist Federation).
I campaign under the name of Max, I invite you to listen to what motivates me :
Amitiés cannabico-libertaires.